Every action matters!

Every action matters!
Action relieves climate anxiety
The best way to relieve hopelessness and climate anxiety is action. Furthermore, action is needed now more than ever because time is running out. The decision makers should not forget how important these years are for the mitigation of climate change!
The most important and responsible everyday climate actions are linked to energy solutions of real estates, food, moving around and consumption. Here are tips for climate actions suitable for schools (you can apply the same choices to your everyday life):

- Monitoring energy consumption and smart energy consumption habits
- Transition to renewable energy
- More vegetarian food, less meat and other animal products
- Minimising food waste
- Biking or walking to school
- Buying less
- Acquiring useful products as secondhand or favouring sustainably produced goods
Along with everyday actions, it is important to try to make a difference by sharing information and being an active citizen. Ideas for impactful action:
- Organise an opinion piece writing workshop with the theme climate change.
- Send email to municipal decision makers or the Members of Parliament and demand climate actions from them. Together with your teacher, you can think about a current topic you want to take a stand on.
- Have a climate change themed morning assembly at your school.
- Come up with ideas and organise an action connected to climate change.
- Participate in climate demonstrations and strikes.
- Join a movement or volunteer for a non-governmental organisation that works with climate issues: Fridays For Future, Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth, Extinction Rebellion etc.
- Donate money or organise an Operation a Day's Work collection and donate the money to organisations that work with environmental issues! E.g., The Siemenpuu Foundation